Scroll through your social media newsfeeds or look at a traditional ad campaign and you’ll see a number of hashtags. Quickly the norm in digital media, hashtags have fast become a vital component of marketing campaigns and how brands and individuals communicate with others on a daily basis.

A popular means of categorizing content on social media, the correct use of a hashtag can help you to make your work and digital presence more discoverable, and importantly, help you to establish new audiences and partnerships.

Using a hashtag isn’t as easy as just placing it within a tweet or a blog post. To effectively utilize the power of a hashtag for your brand or campaign, follow our top tips.

Be specific: vague hashtags will not be effective. Be targeted in your use of the tool, posting hashtags that are positioned towards attracting the attention of your target audience. For a company specializing in Korean beauty, try using the #Kbeauty tag, types of products and benefits of the products to reach your niche audience.

Branded hashtag: similarly, brands should research the use of branded hashtags to develop brand image and awareness across their social media platforms. Whether it is the name of your brand or a product, tap into this theme to cement your presence as a reputable source.

Tailor to your networks: just because a hashtag is effective on one platform doesn’t necessarily mean that it will work on another social media network. Tailor your hashtags to specific networks, for example, selecting hashtags focused on the description of your content on Instagram. For Twitter, use hashtags to contribute to topics of existing conversation and don’t be afraid to create your own.

Do your research: don’t just use a hashtag because you think it is popular. Take time to research which hashtags your competitors are using, and if they are generating engagement. Similarly, look at the hashtags used by influencers in your industry or whom your target audience is following.

Quality over quantity: always remember, less is more! Use hashtags sparingly and don’t go overboard with ultra long phrases or text.

How do you use hashtags to connect with new audiences? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.