East Coast Team, Senior Account Executive, Frank Tortorici and VP of Media Relations, Andrea Pass, represent Marketing Maven at WCBS Small Business Breakfast.

“All entrepreneurs take some risks,” according to Linda McMahon, the Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The member of cabinet who advocates on behalf of the almost 29 million small businesses in American, employing nearly half of all American workers and accounting for 56.8 million jobs, was the guest speaker at the WCBS NewsRadio 880 Small Business Breakfast with Joe Connolly held at the Parsippany Hilton in Parsippany, NJ on June 2. WCBS is the number one all-news station in New York City, the number one market in the country.

Marketing Maven was invited to the breakfast as special guests of CBS as a result of a long-standing relationship with the network both nationally and locally.

Highlighting the growth and challenges of today’s small businesses, McMahon kicked off her talk noting the importance of public relations in the marketing mix. “It’s important to get the word out about your business,” she noted. “If you have good products and services, let people know.”

With our expertise in traditional public relations, social media content, and social media marketing/advertising, each element communicated by McMahon and absorbed by the over 300 guests in attendance further solidifies the value of effective external communication to target audiences in the quest to grow a business.

An entrepreneur and business executive, McMahon is co-founder and former CEO of Women’s Leadership LIVE, a company that uses live events and ongoing relationships to educate and inspire women to launch and expand their own businesses, advance careers toward executive roles, and pursue opportunities for leadership in public service. She is the co-founder and former CEO of WWE, helping grow WWE from a small business to a publicly traded global enterprise with more than 800 employees worldwide.

In business, McMahon reminded the listening audience to “perform well” and “stick to what you know.” This is especially valuable in succeeding and growing a business. At Marketing Maven, the team focuses on targeted areas of expertise in the world of traditional press outreach coupled with social media content and engagement in order for clients to see a strong ROI through targeted analytics.

“The strongest asset or two you can have in business is common sense,” stressed McMahon. By taking that common sense and effectively communicating to clients as well as potential buyers of a client’s product or service, the Marketing Maven team further grows client audiences.

Joe Connolly, host of the daily CBS-Bloomberg Business Reports, re-iterated McMahon’s points noting, “do more of what’s working.” Mentor team members and constantly learn to be on the path to entrepreneurial/small business success.