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With social media platforms having tremendous abilities to increase exposure and awareness for brands, it too is key for non-profit organizations (NPO). Since NPOs are highly dependent on donations and volunteering, it may be difficult to produce a large enough budget solely dedicated to someone to execute social media promotion. However, it is important NPOs continue ahead in developing strategies to improve their social media presence. Here are some tips to how NPOs can strategically use their social media accounts for the greatest brand exposure possible.

Determine Which Platforms Will Reach Your Audience

Social Media, Connections, Networking, Business, People

One of the key methods to increase NPO exposure through social media is by gaining followers. This can be done by giving people reasons to follow you through content. Content creation varies depending on platforms as they have different audiences, therefore you must tailor content to the specific channel users are using.

For example, Twitter is an excellent medium for news sharing, while Facebook is a better platform for sharing prominent stories about your NPO. Other major social media platforms to take into consideration include Snapchat and Instagram in which visuals are the main focus. Analyze what platforms best suit your cause to ensure you are tactically using their strengths to reach your targeted audience.

Utilize Hashtags and Visuals

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Practice using hashtags for your NPO’s social media growth. Using hashtags in posts is an effective way of reaching new audience members and aids in getting found easier. Every social media platform has their own hashtag search feature where millions of users visit daily. If you are able to create a hashtag or use an already popular one to appear on this search page, it is more likely for your NPO to receive more attention.

Utilizing visuals in every post is another great way of improving your NPO’s exposure. It has been observed that posts on Twitter with visuals are three times more likely to get clicked on than those who don’t include one.

While Facebook posts are two times more likely to receive engagement with visuals as well. This is extremely beneficial for NPOs as it helps raise exposure and increase website traffic. Some visuals that can be included in posts are infographics, GIFs, or photos of recent events.

Engage with Your Followers

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Responding to followers on social media is an effective way of remaining relevant and being exposed. Users on social media typically expect brands to respond to questions or comments the same day they are published. Not only does fast responding give off an outstanding user experience, but it also boosts exposure as users come back or possibly share your content. Hearing and acknowledging your social media community will help your NPO remain relevant and improve the odds of your content being shared.

Social media platforms have grown to become important tools that brands use to communicate with audiences. Social media offers new and creative methods of interacting with targeted audiences but knowing how to acquire user attention is fundamental. If NPOs follow these tips to using social media, they can potentially see a rise in brand awareness and create a stronger online community and bring more attention to their cause.

If you are looking for social media consulting, contact us at