Social media marketing is crucial for any business to expand brand awareness and promote their product or services. While most brands focus on growing their followings on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, many brands often ignore the worthy marketing opportunities that are available on LinkedIn. Here are 5 reasons why LinkedIn should be a part of your company’s marketing mix.

1. LinkedIn Can Target Specific Audiences

Does your company offer a unique product or service that only appeals to a specific industry? LinkedIn ads may be the perfect approach to help boost sales and expose your brand to potential future clients. There are currently three ways to advertise on LinkedIn, including sponsored content, PPC ads, and sponsored InMail. Sponsored content amplifies your posts so that they can reach more viewers than those who follow your company page. PPC ads function the same as other platforms, charging you for each click that the ad receives.  Sponsored InMail allows your brand to personally message users and inform them about your products, services, and offers.

2. Trackable Results

LinkedIn Analytics generates measurable results for all of your ad campaigns. Total visitors, engagements, click-throughs and other KPIs are all stored on the platform and can then be used to improve upon future campaigns. Goals can be set prior to launching an ad campaign, and progress towards these goals can be monitored in real time.

3. B2B Marketing Hotspot

Due to LinkedIn’s professional nature and large network of connections, it is one of the top places for businesses to market their products and services to other companies. The platform’s InMail feature makes this process even easier, as the ability to reach out to fellow professionals is only a click away. B2B focused companies can take advantage of LinkedIn’s advertising capabilities to connect with other professionals in relevant industries.

4.  Community of Professionals

Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn fosters a community where everyone is expected to be on their best behavior. This means that when users engage with your content or advertisements, these interactions will be much more cordial and positive as opposed to other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit. Businesses can take advantage of this by making meaningful connections with other professionals while also growing brand awareness and equity.

5. Driving Relevant Traffic

According to website analytics of LinkedIn referral traffic, individuals spend much longer on linked sites and have a lower bounce rate in comparison to referral traffic from other social platforms. Sponsored content and InMail campaigns can further drive relevant clicks to your business’ site and social channels. To maximize traffic and engagement, keep your company’s LinkedIn page updated and regularly post organic content for your followers to interact with.

To learn more about the LinkedIn lead generation campaigns that Marketing Maven offers, email or call (310) 994-7380.